
CE-certified and registered products

We buy directly from the manufacturer, and all the medical products that we supply are ISO- and CE-certified. Quality is our highest priority, and all the products that we deliver have gone through strict testing and certification procedures. On this page, you can see examples of the products we supply. After first finding out about your specific wishes and needs, we search for the most suitable product.

If you cannot easily find what you are looking for, please feel free to contact us!

The best quality for the best price

Are you looking for a specific product?

Then just let us know. Sinomedik purchases directly from the manufacturer, and supplies only ISO- and CE-certified medical devices and products. We first search for the most suitable product and then ensure that it is delivered to you on a timely basis.

We are there for you


+31 (0)50 2110 354

Opening hours



Zeewinde 3-11e
9738 AM Groningen

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